Typology: 상업
Usage: 패션샵
Location: 서울 성동구 성수동1가 10-4, 2F
Floor Area: 182.29㎡(55.14평)
Brand/Client: Hehr
Involvement: 컨셉 디자인, 시공
Status: 완공
Date of completion: 2021년 9월
Photography: 한성훈
Typology: Commercial
Usage: Fashion Shop
Location: 2F, 24, Wangsimni-ro 8-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Floor Area: 182.29㎡
Brand/Client: Hehr
Involvement: Concept Design, Construction
Status: Completed
Date of completion: September, 2021
Photography: Sunghoon, Han